
What Rodda Paint Colors Go With Santa Cecelia Granite?

Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

For many people, the kitchen is the middle of the habitation. Information technology'south where you lot start your busy day and where you unwind with a proficient repast — and perchance a glass of vino — in the evening. It'due south where you make breakfast for your kids on busy schoolhouse mornings and where you savor dinner with the special people in your life on the weekend. It'due south besides the spot for finding healthy snacks and comfort foods, depending on your mood.

And so, obviously your kitchen is a very special room, which means it deserves some very special consideration when it's time for an upgrade. Choosing the perfect paint color is an ideal starting point — and an of import one. While y'all can evidently select whatever color you want for your kitchen, HGTV recommends white, gray, blue, green, xanthous or cherry-red. Permit's take a look at why each color works so well in the nearly of import room in the house.


According to HGTV, a white kitchen feels clean, fresh and energizing. The bright look tin can help wake you up in the morning when the dominicus starts shining on the white paint, but the neutral color likewise offers a number of other benefits. First, the color is extremely versatile as function of a color scheme. You tin paint your cabinets and other accents about any color when yous have a white backdrop. A white kitchen can also open up upwardly a small infinite, making it feel larger, and it can brighten a dark room that doesn't see much natural low-cal.

Photo Courtesy: Creatv Eight/Unsplash

Finally, white not merely feels clean, but information technology'south piece of cake to encounter when the walls are dirty, and so yous can keep the room where yous prepare all your food equally sanitary equally possible. Just don't brand the mistake of assuming white is a ane-size-fits-all color. You can customize your kitchen even further by choosing a shade of white that has red, yellow, green, blue or other color undertones to warm upwardly or cool downwardly your infinite.


You lot may have noticed that many of your favorite restaurants use ruby-red paint as part of their decor. That'due south considering this warm color is believed to stimulate the appetite. Cooking is also the color of passion. For this reason, many feel that it'due south also a wonderful colour to paint their ain kitchens.

Photo Courtesy: Studio Sarah Lou/Flickr

Not only does red brand a good wall color, merely it also pairs well with more neutral colors, like white and gray, which is important if you want to pigment your cabinets and other fixtures red. The vibrant color also comes in many shades. For a sleek look, consider a semi-gloss candy apple red, or for a more rustic look, choose a shade of red that has some hints of orange mixed in with it.

Blue or Green

Bluish and green are both tranquil, calming colors that are frequently plant in nature. Both are good choices for painting a kitchen, especially if your kitchen is a identify where y'all like to relax and spend your reanimation. Similar red, green and blueish come up in a multifariousness of shades that you tin can use as emphasis colors for your walls, cabinets and other fixtures.

Photo Courtesy: NeONBRAND/Wikimedia Commons

Go along in mind that darker shades of bluish tin overpower a room very hands, but they wait good in a kitchen with white fixtures. Lighter blues can soften your kitchen and make it feel brighter and bigger. Dark-green shades tend to expect expert with natural wood cabinets and fixtures.


Yellow kitchens tend to experience happy, cheerful and sunny, and according to Real Simple, homes with yellow kitchens even sell for college prices than those with other colors. The warm color is versatile plenty to use in a rustic cottage as well every bit an industrial condo, and information technology can actually create some excitement in an otherwise wearisome space.

Photograph Courtesy: leondavilaantonio/Pixabay

Like ruby, yellowish sees a lot of action in restaurants. These businesses oft employ yellow because the color is thought to stimulate the appetite and increment the amount of serotonin — the hormone that makes you experience euphoric — in your body.


If you're bored with white just still want a neutral color, HGTV recommends searching for an appealing shade of gray. Like white, gray pairs well with other colors, allowing y'all to get creative with cabinets, counters and other fixtures. Besides existence one of the most versatile colors yous can paint your kitchen, gray tin can help you bring together various textures, create a clean look and reduce shine and glare on your surfaces.

Photo Courtesy: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

What Rodda Paint Colors Go With Santa Cecelia Granite?,


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