
What Do The Colors Of A Cat Mean

Cats are renowned for the symbolism that comes attached to them.

Uniquely among all animals, the cat is most easily symbolized through the color of its fur rather than by its breed.

Each color has a separate symbolic meaning.

So we've put together this guide to the symbolism of the different cat colors. What does your cat represent for you?

Black Cat Symbolism

Black cats often get a bad reputation for being bad luck or bringing bad omens.

But in truth, the black cat has long symbolized good luck in many cultures.

Its negative symbolism is often rooted in traditional healing and herbalism, as herbalists used to keep black cats to help with their craft.

These herbalists were often described as witches, hence the popular archetype of the witch with the black cat.

Black cats actually symbolize health and medicine, which often means that they appear around people who are very ill to help guide them through the transition to their next cat

White Cat Symbolism

Another color that symbolizes good fortune is white, and the white cat brings good fortune from the spiritual realm.

Many people believe that spirit guides can manifest in the form of a white cat in times of need.

Psychics and mediums hold a particular affinity with the white cat, as these beautiful felines are drawn to spiritual energy.

Grey Cat Symbolism

The grey cat has strong symbolism for those experiencing difficult times or times of transition.

They bring out hope in us, helping us to understand our spiritual problems so that we can work to overcome them.

Theirs is a spirit of self-improvement and of changing with the journey.

Grey cats are also symbolic of the difficult decisions we must make as human beings and help us to reach the right conclusion when it isn't clear precisely what the right choice is.grey cat

Orange Cat Symbolism (Ginger cats)

Orange cats are a far more exuberant breed, thriving on change and excitement.

They bolster our leadership instincts, driving us to take the wheel and start a new journey or new beginning.

Orange cats gravitate towards those who are making waves, trying to effect significant change in the world.

For this reason, many environmentalists and climate activists find themselves a companion in an orange cat.

Brown Cat Symbolism

The brown cat sits on the other end of the spectrum, representing a grounded attitude that prefers to do things at a steady pace.

Some enjoy the quiet life, and there's no shame in that!

Some people find that when they get too tied up in big thinking and dreaming about what might be, a brown cat brings them back to reality and helps them to tend to their needs before pursuing their desires.

Black & White Cat Symbolism

The black and white cat, or Tuxedo cat, is an emblem of mischief and play.

It represents the need for a little good humor in our lives to break up the serious business of living.

Some believe that when we lose our childhood spirit, it lives on in black and white cats.

They remind us to let loose every once in a while and have some well-earned fun.tuxedo cat

Cats With Three Color Symbolism

Cats with three colors represent a cat that has the characteristics of all three colors and a little something extra.

These cats are said to be self-assured and confident, curious, and able to adapt quickly to new situations.

They are also said to be quite charming and good with people and other animals.

These cats, more than any other, can have a wide variety of personality traits that reflect the people they are most attached to and spend time with.

Their personalities often change as their owners' moods and attitudes change.

Siamese Cat Symbolism

These cats represent wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

They have been portrayed in paintings and literature as the Cat of Kings, Cat of Money, Cat of Happiness, Cat of Love, Cat of Miracles.

Siamese cats represent luxury items that will lead to a life full of love and happiness if you are lucky enough to find one.

They also symbolize powerful and wise leadership.

Pairing a Siamese Cat with another animal symbolizes strengthening the bond between two people or groups.siamese cat

Persian Cat Symbolism

The Persian Cat represents an air of mystery, culture, and elegance.

While some cultures believe that this type of cat is good luck, others warn against keeping one because they are seen as bringers of bad luck.

But, how can anyone say a cat brings bad luck? I think there is more to this cat than meets the eye.

These cats are said to be cat familiars that can bring comfort, luck, and prosperity if they are properly cared for.

For this reason, a lot of people choose to keep a Persian Cat around the house or in their business.

Tortishell And Calico

These cats symbolize a cat familiar, or cat spirit guide.

These types of cats are also known as cat protectors and bring good luck, prosperity, and joy to those who love them.

Oranges and white patches represent purity while black kittens are said to be cat seers that have the ability to look into the future.

They see with their hearts as well as their eyes and can give you a true picture of who you really are.Tortishell And Calico

Tortishell Cat Symbolism

These cats symbolize strength, independence, self-reliance, and good luck.

They also represent good fortune in the field of medicine to those who care for them.

If this type of cat shows up in your life, you should be on the lookout for a new job.

The kind of work that this cat leads to would be very rewarding and fulfilling.

Calico Cat Symbolism

These cats are thought to bring good luck into your life if they cross your path.

These types of cats are said to love children and only bring good things to those close to them.

Cat Color Symbolism In Dreams

Cat colors in your dream symbolize many things, so here is a list of meanings:

Black Cat

Black Cat is a good dream. This symbolizes your honest nature, your free spirit, and your playful personality.

White Cat

White Cat in your dream is a very good omen and represents all that is positive in the world—purity, clarity, and goodness.

You can achieve it with hard work if you truly desire it.

Brown Cat

Brown Cat in your dream is a good sign that signifies stability, earthiness, and groundedness.

You are comfortable with who you are and where you are going.

Orange Cat

The orange cat in your dream symbolizes passion and fire. A burning desire for something can be expressed through creativity or ambition.

It also represents the love of a child.

Grey Cat

This cat symbolizes a lack of confidence in decision-making and is often seen as a bad omen.

The dreamer may be feeling trapped in their current situation or relationship.

Tabby Cat

Tabby cat in your dream means good luck, prosperity, joy, and sweetness.

This cat is a symbol of purity and loyalty. This symbolism is good for those who love the cat, but can sometimes be a bad omen to those who don't.

Persian Cat

Persian Cat in your dream means royalty, culture, and elegance. Cat is a symbol of wealth and luxury.Persian Cat

Tortishell Cat

Tortishell Cat in your dream means strength, independence, self-reliance, and good luck.

Calico Cat

Calico Cat in your dream means that you are open to change and new opportunities in your life.

Cat lovers may find themselves changing for the better as well, and there will be an increase in old friends in your life.

Black Cat In Your House

Black Cat in your house is a good omen if you are considering moving to a new home.

This is also true for those planning to start a family because a cat is thought to be very maternal. A cat in your house is a sign of happiness, fertility, and prosperity.

White Cat In Your House

This cat color symbolism represents new beginnings or opportunities that are yet to come.

If you are single, this is a good sign that you will soon meet someone special.


We hope you enjoyed learning about the different cat colors and their symbolism.

These insights should help you find your perfect feline companion, or at least make it easier to choose a new pet in need of adoption!

Whether you're looking for black cats with good luck symbols, orange cats who are loyal companions, or mauve tabbies who like to nap—there's sure to be an adorable cat color that suits your needs.

What Do The Colors Of A Cat Mean


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